am vazut ieri filmul din titlu, regizat de Woody Allen, in care main star e Larry David. Absolut genial! caracteristic pentru Woody Allen, cu umorul si sarcasmul sau, si in acelasi timp optimist, tonic si chiar romantic, as putea spune.
Larry David il inlocuieste perfect pe Woody insusi, in rolul mizantropului cinic, plin de frustrari si ipohondru, care simte o placere rautacioasa in a aduce inconvenientele lumii asteia in atentia celor din jur, in cel mai lipsit de subtilitati mod posibil.
ma regasesc perfect in filosofia personajului principal - esti liber sa faci orice ca sa iti gasesti fericirea, atata timp cat nu faci rau altora. viata oricum e scurta si goala, asa ca singura modalitate de a o umple e iubirea. iar in privinta asta nu sunt limite.
as lasa postul asta neterminat daca nu m-as declara fan inflacarat al lui Woody Allen (in cazul in care mai e careva care nu si-a dat seama). aproape toate filmele lui mi-au ramas in suflet (zic aproape, pentru ca nu m-a convins Cassandra's dream). Printre favorite sunt Annie Hall, Manhattan, Crimes and Misdemeanors, Husbands and Wives,Match Point, and so on...
9 comentarii:
cahhhhhhhhhhhhh! mie mi se pare oribil jidanu'. da' gusturile nu se discuta.
what the F just happend here?
Was a conversation about jews, don't tell me.
About that dumb ass Larry David. I haven't seen the movie, yet. But I watched him in his series Larry David: Public Enemy no. 1. He is an aaaaasshoooole. A dumb assssshhhooooole. At least he plays one. I don't know him in real life. I enjoyed his work on Seinfeld.
Nobody can replace Woody, man!
indeed, a misplaced dioscussion about jews and directors.
I'm not a fan of Larry David myself, but here he manages to do a good job. and the role fits him.
i know woody can hardly be replaced, but he's around 80 now, so there has to be an option.
If the opinion is that woody the woodpecker cannot be replaced i’m outta here. Maybe he’s the best director of all times in the world. :))))))))))))))
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